
David-28yrs experience in being awesome, loves real fruit Popsicles. Lindsay-26yrs experience in being fabulous, loves the movie 9 to 5. Olive Oyl-3yrs experience in being shifty, loves to attack small children. Baby Talitha- Days experience in spitting up in hidden crevasses, and loves to get her diaper changed- sike!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

24 weeks baby

Talitha is almost a pound and a half and looks like an ear of corn. Luckily she's a bendy ear of corn, otherwise I'd have a lot of explaining to do about the shape of my stomach. I'm still worshiping the god Zofran daily and praise Phenergan! Oooohhh! AND!! We got the manse! Thank you real God, Jesus! We move in during the month of July to be out of our current place by Aug 1st. The manse, aka the swiss family robinson tree house, is a tiny or cozy rather 2 bed 1 bath apt above the clubscouts meeting hall. I'm gonna try and infiltrate and become a den mother...

Monday, June 15, 2009

This will not turn into a work blog, This will not turn into a work blog...

I love making collages! Click on the image if you want to see the image larger. This will not become a work blog. I do not have a wedding blog, because if I did, I'd get nothing done and update it all the time and obsess over it, not good. Ok, nuff work stuff for now!

I love my job and my cat!

I get why people blog, it's the same thing as show and tell in elementary school. You know that was your favorite day. Look what cool thing I have! Well two cool things I have are my cool cat, olive, and my fabulous job! I'm my own boss and I do what I want! This wedding was beautiful and in one of my favorite locations to shoot, downtown St. Augustine FL. I haven't even started editing it yet but I glanced through and choose a couple that I thought were pretty, cuz I do what I want! More pics of this beautiful wedding and my cat to follow.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Aldo makes Diaper Bags?

Ok my first purchase for baby! Well more for me but, damn it's cute. It's technically not a diaper bag but, it's perfect for the job it's split into two sections and has perfect little pockets! I'm so in love with this 'diaper' bag I had to share. Thank you Aldo!

Baby Room

I haven't done/bought a thing for the room or baby yet. (I'm a terrible mother!) It helps to be broke I guess, otherwise I'd buy everything cute. I'm trying to think of color schemes and motifs that I like for little Talitha's room. It's tough because we are moving before she comes, where I don't know, but that limits me from decorating the room all out. The only things I have to base any future design on are a beautiful new black crib that my dad bought me for a Christmas gift for our future adopted son (he's still coming but a little delayed because his sister stole the show, she's setting a president) and these really cool alphabet animal prints that my girlfriend Tara gave me (also for our future son, again Talitha stole the thunder). The bottom two images of the doll, pink alice frame and babushka are just things my Dad brought back from Khasakhstan that I like and are quasi girly. Other than this, I got nothing. I loved getting ideas from Domino Mag (RIP) so if there is anything similar that you my peeps know of, please share. i.e. blogs, websites, mags...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I love Delilah

I love Delilah. Well, more accurately, I love the things people think it's ok to say on the show, just because they are dedicating to their object of obsession, a song; not of their choosing.
Delilah: "Welcome, and who is on your heart tonight"
Crazy bake sale lady Pat: "Delilah, I'm 50yrs old and I just want to say that there is hope! I've found the absolute love of my life"
Delilah: silence
Crazy bake sale lady Pat: "When I was 19 I met the love of my life, the most amazing man, he was smart, funny, handsome, and my best friend, the only problem was, he was married with a kid"
Delilah: silence and a possible muffled spit take
Crazy bake sale lady Pat: "Then I left town because I knew it wouldn't work, then I spent marriage after marriage after marriage trying to find true love again, I never found it until now Delilah!"
Delilah: "Uh hu"
Crazy bake sale lady Pat: "He's my best friend! The true love of my life. At 50 Delilah, it's possible!"
Delilah: "So is the first guy back again?"
Crazy bake sale lady Pat: "No no this is my second true real love!"
So yeah, amazing show! I was just listening to it on my way home from a wedding and thought, that junk is good.

Pregnancy related, I'm still sick and was reduced to beg the pharmacist to fill my zofran prescription despite not receiving the ok from my lazy doctor. He was this very nice little Asian fellow, who squinted (OUT OF DISBELIEF!) at my chart and the frequent usage of zofran. He said "Why you take too much?". I was a bit worried that I'd been double fisting my meds and started to worry about the baby, then my englo-asain translator kicked in and I realized what he was trying to say. To which I pointed to my belly and said I'm pregnant and need it to survive. He felt bad and gave me ONE pill for the whole weekend and told me to use it wisely... I took it in the parking lot.
Other than the occasional vomiting, I'm thrilled to be having this sweet little kicky baby. I love watching my stomach move. Even though this pregnancy was not planed, I'm glad God planed it. I love Talitha!

C'est moi, looking pretty rough and pregnant after shooting a fab little wedding in Gainesville. In my defense I had to run through an end of the world rainstorm with all of my equipment from the chapel to my car.

About Us

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David-29yrs experience in being awesome, loves real fruit Popsicles. Lindsay-26yrs experience in being fabulous, loves the movie 9 to 5. Baby- 4 months experience in being chubby and cute, loves to grab dangerous objects and insert them into her mouth.