
David-28yrs experience in being awesome, loves real fruit Popsicles. Lindsay-26yrs experience in being fabulous, loves the movie 9 to 5. Olive Oyl-3yrs experience in being shifty, loves to attack small children. Baby Talitha- Days experience in spitting up in hidden crevasses, and loves to get her diaper changed- sike!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

talitha and friends! these are some of Tal's boyfriends. SOOOO CUTE! she already has her pick of cute boys. what am i gonna do?

we absolutely love to roll over now. it's our new trick. however we don't always like to be on our tummy but we love to roll over onto it. this is a problem. but a cute one at that don't you think?

this is logan comforting tal. the funny thing is it actually helped. she loves to cuddle. logan is so chill. they make a good couple.

tal just turned 4months old! she is amazing. i really like the 4month stage. she takes naps in her crib (is she feels like napping, she pretty much does whatever she wants whenever she wants) and sleeps in her bassinet by our bed at night. (again, only if she feels like sleeping) she is rolling all over the place and can bust out of her swing and car seat if left unbuckled. she's a wiggly monster! she loves the morning. which melts my grumpy away if the night before was rough. she laughs when you tickle her belly and when you say ribbit or bungudee. she has a little curl to her hair like mommy and daddy so we have fun with different hair styles. she also love to be outside and loves new people and places. gosh i freaking love this kid! she's napping now. it's her 2nd nap of the day and i'm enjoying the quiet! thanks for loving on my baby y'all! Have a fab weekend!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

my chinese new years resolution

i've been inspired by several other blogs to make and stick to some list of personal resolutions/goals. i do think it will help to right them out and tell you kind people for some accountability. h'ok in no particular order-

1. talk to God at least once a day and read at least one scripture and meditate on it throughout the day. (i do usually talk to God more than once a day, it just usually sounds something like "Lord help me not ram into the car in front of me for driving 5 miles below the speed limit" i'd like to have a more conversational time with Him)

2. work out for a full hour, 3 times a week. like a real hard workout where i sweat my bute off! I've been doing pilates twice a week religiously but this is not enough.

3. take talitha on an hour walk outside at least twice a week.

4. have someone/a family over for dinner at least once a month.

5. work on my recipe collection. (this is a recent domestication project that i've started now that i'm a SAHM (stay at home mom) and it's mostly a compilation of dirty notes with scribbled down recipes from Giada's at home 3 min videos off the this will not do. i want one like the one my grandma has (Grandma Gumport is the Goddess of all SAHMs) a collection of exquisitely hand written laminated index cards with the most amazing recipes ever know to man. I MUST HAVE THIS!

6. limit all refined sugars to the weekends (sat and sun). let me elaborate on this one. i'm talking about cakes, cookies, and icecream! not pancakes and fruits.

7. read 3 books this year.

8. sew tal a dress.

9. run a mini anything. there was a 3 1/2 mile run for breast cancer last year that i couldn't do because i was very much with child. but i will do it this year. i'd love to push tal during it!

10. make friday laundry day.

11. put money away for a trip with david and tal to here: or anywhere else. this is just my recent obsession.

this is all i can think of for now. i know i have more but my baby is screaming so i'll add to this list and keep you updated at time goes on. ciao loves!

Friday, February 12, 2010

my husband didn't know i liked lemon cookies and my mom thought i liked blueberry pie

voila! curtains, made by me. my kitchen thanks me. did you see those white ones that were up previously? nasty.

ok, it's time for a little elle-train education (L-train is my knick name that i received upon initiation into davids family by his brotherinlaw scott, who we all call fott or scotty potty[more like just me and david call him that]. i changed the spelling to elle-train because i took 4yrs of french and the little french girl inside me comes out from time to time-merde). apparently my husband didn't know that i LOVE lemon cookies/cakes and my mom to this day, despite repeated corrections, thinks i love blueberry pie because of the supposed one time i ate an entire pie when i was like 4.

1.hotel rooms with adjoining doors freak me out when i don't know who's staying in the next room
2.i love lemon cookies and cakes
3. i HATE blueberry pie
4. i like my middle name (briana) better than my first name because there are so many lindsays and i hated having to be called lindsay G all through elementary and middle school
5.i wish i were a barrel racer. that's were you ride a quarter horse around a bunch of barrels as fast as you can while rednecks yell at you.
6. i love being a housewife/mother more than i ever thought i would
7. my favorite meal is fillet mignon cooked medium rare with a potato with sour cream and butter, and a salad with some type of honeymustard vinaigrette-that's the jam
8.i hate sleeping with socks on
9. i have to make of list of the places i'm going and the things i need to get before i run errands or i will most definitely forget something. or spend most of the time saying the things i need in my head over and over so i don't forget-then forget something
10. i will not buy anything that requires continual purchasing of other items that the thing i just bought needs to function. for example they were selling this magic can garbage cans on tv and it required these special trash bags to fit it. i really wanted it but couldn't get over the anxiety of maybe not being able to find these specific bags and then having a useless garbage can. this type of thing is too much for me to handle.
11. i'm having a hard time not making every one of these things a qualm i have with bad drivers
12. i don't like to mix fruit and chocolate. the only exception to this is chocolate covered strawberries.

this is all i can think of for now.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

blorgging is fun

i am here on out abandoning all attempts at grammar. except perhaps the occasional comma and period and maybe i'll throw in a few quotation marks here and there for your viewing ease. i'm doing this because, as you have probably gathered, i suck at it, and i have no time for it. this blog is random. so is my life/mind. so i guess this works. confession- i read random people i don't knows' personal blogs. i think i'm interested because of the same reason i 'like' 'real'ity tv. i think i like to compare my life to theirs or see how they 'do it'. see how they live their lives. i either judge them or steal their ideas. so why am i keeping up a blog? if people reading mine will either judge me or copy me? (yeah right on that last one) i have no idea. it's therapeutic for me at times to talk about my life. i've not done it consistently enough or honestly enough to reap the extent of those benefits. nor will i ever, probably. i know myself. but i'll try from time to time.
i keep telling myself i need to keep a daily journal for my grandkids to read one day. and to help me remember all of the amazing things that happen to me everyday. like today talitha- i'm pausing writing to think of my favorite thing she did today and i'm so tired i can't remember what happened today- i woke up at the sound of her crying in the baby monitor, changed her diaper, fed her, took an obscenely long shower, showed up 15 mins late to davids birthday lunch at bella bella, ate amazing french onion soup, won a bet that one of the ingredients to french onion soup was sherry, came home, looked at trees with tal outside our apt, washed dishes, put tal down for a nap, cleaned, made really cool curtains for the kitchen, made dinner, kissed david hello, got tal up from an almost 3 hr nap, AAAAAHA! here is the amazing part! if you're still with me- david asked if he could get tal up from the nap, he picked her up and i watched them cuddle so sweetly for 10 mins. 10 mins of face to face cuddling and it was amazing. how wouldn't my grandkids wanna read this! i say sarcastically. i'm going to finish my day before i rabbit trail on. then after cuddles, fed tal, played football with david as tal sat bundled up in her carseat on a pick-nick bench, watched american idol, nursed and put tal to bed, said goodnight to david, he had a tummy ache so he went to bed, made a chic patty(fake chicken-don't ask why i eat this crap) and some tomato soup and started blorgging after looking at stupid facebook for 10 mins. there what a good day. and i'll remember this day because i wrote it down somewhere. in comparison i guess i've had more spectacular days, like when tal rolled over for the first time, or when she fell off the bed (this was the bad type of spectacular), or when david and i took our anniversary vacation to the mountain house in NC, but i will remember today because it's written down. i want to remember every day, good, bad and spectacular. so i will try to write my days down somewhere. either here or in a journal. how about i'll give you show and tell ones. you know the ones i'm really proud of. that seems to be what most bloggers do. the look what i did ones. so next blog i'll show you the curtains and burp clothes i made. and the adorable pics of tal i just took. well i'll show you some of those now. ok they appeared up top. bonne soir my loves! i promised myself i would go to bed before midnight. i have 9 mins to fall asleep.

About Us

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David-29yrs experience in being awesome, loves real fruit Popsicles. Lindsay-26yrs experience in being fabulous, loves the movie 9 to 5. Baby- 4 months experience in being chubby and cute, loves to grab dangerous objects and insert them into her mouth.