
David-28yrs experience in being awesome, loves real fruit Popsicles. Lindsay-26yrs experience in being fabulous, loves the movie 9 to 5. Olive Oyl-3yrs experience in being shifty, loves to attack small children. Baby Talitha- Days experience in spitting up in hidden crevasses, and loves to get her diaper changed- sike!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

due date shmue date

My temperament whilst writing this entry: pissy. I know that it is very common for first time mothers to deliver past their due date by a week or even two, but like many others before me I assumed she'd come a day or two before. Why, I have no idea, just wishful thinking. I was done around 28wks honestly. Which is when this photo was taken. I've been that huge for a long time. My body is so done. I am happy that she has made it this far. It does please me beyond anything to give birth to a FULL term baby. I remember rejoicing every week we progressed to a level that reduced the risk of immature lungs or other developmental shortcomings. Thank you Jesus for this huge blessing. So I guess my temperament is more: Thankfully Pissy.
Now that I have a little extra time on my hands, I thought I'd blog about something I forgot to a while back; Top 10 worst things to say to a pregnant woman, more specifically this pregnant woman!
Now please people, if you recognize yourself as the offender please do not feel the need to apologize, defend or anything what you have said. These all make me laugh and without them my life would be much less colorful and I'd have nothing to blog about. So own them with pride! I will leave most of these anonymous, however there are some you will be able to figure out, enjoy! Did I mention my temperament...

#10 Oh, I thought you couldn't have kids. (this comment was followed with a bumbling explanation of how he/she assumed because we were adopting that I was broken or something. Nice! Stay out of my uterus!)
#9 Oh, does David have a job yet?
#8 Oh, was it planned?
These two comments were in response to telling people we were having a girl
#7 Three minutes of evil, condescending laughter, that had been building up over the past 26 yrs... -my mother
#6 Oh, are you disappointed?
This comment was in response to telling people her name- Talitha
#5 Oh, really, what about Suzanne?... - can you guess who said this?
#4 Awww, how far along are you?-30wks-WoW! That's a big baby! Grabbing my stomach and then saying, And she's already dropped too, wow you have to be further along than that!...- Some crazy lady in an elevator, I was very scared because I was trapped with this woman attempting to give me her "medical" opinion.
This comment was made to me while I was standing on the big scale at Publix when I was 34wks preg (don't ask why I was doing this)
#3 Oh! "How much did you gain?" me- excuse me? I'm only 34wks but 27lbs so far if you must know. "Oh girl, I gained six total with my 6th child, ha beat that!" ... Made by this crazy woman who was missing 3 front teeth and had about 4 kids trailing begrudgingly behind her. Maybe she would have gained more weight if she had some teeth to eat with... Just saying...
This one is a positive one because I don't want to loose any followers with this depressing blog. It was made in response to saying we were having a girl.
#2 AAAAAAHH!!! I'm gonna buy her a bra and teach her how to shave her legs when she's four, cuz she's Italian, oh and i'll teach her quintillion! followed by 2 more minutes of high pitched squealing!... No other than Aunt Vita!
I wish this were a lie;
#1 Oh really you're pregnant, you probably shouldn't tell a whole bunch of people because the chance of a miscarriage is pretty high in the beginning... Omfg...

Well People there you have it, my grumpy blog post. Hopefully my next one will include a beautiful baby girl as opposed to her mean and evil mommy venting! Is it obvious I am in need of prayer...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Roid Rage

Her nursery is done! Thanks to the magnificently talented and fabulous Ashley Cortese, I was able to finish decorating Take out's room (this is our daughters nick name). I'm obsessed with the flowers and initials over her crib. Ashley found these amazing flowers at Michaels and she just thumb tacked them to the wall. I love frugal creative design! The initials are also from Michaels. The wire thingy is from Ikea, so is the chandelier and mirror. Those poofy pink and purple hanging thingys were hand made by Ashley for my baby shower and repurposed for my baby room! This room is so calming I hope I can stay awake in here.

These belly pics should be the last, meaning I can not get any bigger than this. I'm maxed out. In fact I even lost two pounds, which I heard is normal for the last couple of weeks. About a week and a half ago, she dropped WAY DOWN and I can now breath a bit better and the heartburn has let up a bit, thank you Jesus! I'm also, as of a week and a half ago 50% effaced and 1cm dilated. Booyah. This baby is coming down the pipe! All in all I have had an extremely healthy pregnancy. No placenta privia, no gestational diabetes, and even no stretch marks (which I'm extremely surprised about)and baby as far as we know is healthy. I thank God for this every day, however, I have had a "hard time" being pregnant, meaning I've had almost every uncomfortable annoying symptom you can get, and to the max. This leads me to why I titled this entry Roid Rage, well as soon as this precious package dropped she cut off all circulation to my...ass, making my tiny, under control hemorrhoid issue an out of control raging burden, the likes of which I had no idea was possible. Some of my close friends/family members have heard the entire story, I will not expound anymore except to say I had no idea they could explode... I knew my pregnancy was unique when I was talking to a fellow mom and said "oh man, being pregnant is crazy, especially when your hemorrhoids explode!?" to which she responded with "umm what are you talking about, I never had hemorrhoids". Me- "me either, I was just kidding, I was speaking metaphorically". Scared Mom- "What are the hemorrhoids a metaphor for?" Me- "umm...your heart that is so filled with blood, i mean love for your baby and desire for her to be born?...". Now totally confused and freaked out Mom- "ok, yeah". Anyway my body is officially ready for her to exit, she has wreaked enough havoc from the inside, I'm now ready for her to do so on the outside. I'm 38.2 weeks pregernant and just waiting for her to come. David and I are freaking out excited to meet her. Oh those weird pics of David are his belly shots I took because I think he was getting jealous of all the attention my belly has been getting. And yes he is wearing my maternity pants because I was in need of a laugh and he obliged! Love you Boo! K hopefully this will be my last post before the bomb drops!!!! Love you all and please keep us in your prayers!

About Us

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David-29yrs experience in being awesome, loves real fruit Popsicles. Lindsay-26yrs experience in being fabulous, loves the movie 9 to 5. Baby- 4 months experience in being chubby and cute, loves to grab dangerous objects and insert them into her mouth.