
David-28yrs experience in being awesome, loves real fruit Popsicles. Lindsay-26yrs experience in being fabulous, loves the movie 9 to 5. Olive Oyl-3yrs experience in being shifty, loves to attack small children. Baby Talitha- Days experience in spitting up in hidden crevasses, and loves to get her diaper changed- sike!

Monday, November 23, 2009

10lbs of Pure Butter and Cuteness

Talitha had her 4wk doc apt today and she is 10lbs! She came home from the hospital 7.7. I can't believe how big/fat/and cute she is. It's gone by so fast! She is on the brink of smiling these days. Every once in a blue moon you get one, usually after she eats. I tried to get one in this video, no luck but she's pretty damn cute. We are in her favorite place in the whole house- her changing table. She loves looking out the window and at mr. dragon... Everyone and thing now has a social title preceding their name. Not sure what that's about. I think it's an attempt for mom's to make everything a story in a storybook. I always said I'd never post "lame" pictures or videos of my kid... well lame is subjective and this video is very long and full of 4wk old cuteness. However it comes with a disclaimer; if you are not related or obsessed with my baby, this will be very boring to you. That said let the cuteness roll!

Monday, November 2, 2009

the sweetest and best baby in the world, Talitha Kelsi Osborne

holy smokes y'all! i had me a baby. She is the most amazing thing in the world. She's sleeping through the night (minus the every 3 hrs I wake her up to eat) and for most of the day. And when she isn't sleeping she just looks around all cross eyed and makes the funniest facial expressions. She is so beautiful and cuddly, I want her to stay like this forever!...I could go with out the feedings through the night though... But, she is fabulous! The birth however was so traumatizing, I'm not gonna lie. My epidural wore off in a couple of very key spots toward the end of labor and I experienced the so called "ring of fire". Other than the 2hrs of pushing at the end and the 2 hours of heavy labor before my epidural wore in, it was a great experience. My fabulous husband was perfectly soothing and supportive. He even stopped breathing when I did while I was pushing! I really couldn't have done it without him, or the epidural, or the zofran... Kudos to woman who go w/o meds. I had a wonderful midwife deliver Tal and fabulous nurses. One in particular had the funniest perspective on the event and said things like, "We need to put in this intrauterine monitor to see how strong your contractions are so we can avoid blasting out your uterus with the pitocin". Is that what will happen if you give me too much? Cuz I was curious... And another funny nurse I had was Michael, he was wonderful. He cleaned up my "bag of waters" after they broke it and helped me put on huge mesh underwear and even put in my catheter. The conversation we had while he was putting it in went as follows. Mike- "So do you like to cook?" Me- "I do, I love to make Italian food because you don't have to follow the recipes to the T". Mike-"I love Italian! If I were younger I'd go to cooking school" (Mike is 55). Me-"Why if you were younger, I don't see how being a chef is any more taxing than working crazy long shifts as a nurse?". Mike-"Yes but as a chef you are working over a stove all day". Me-"And here you are working over a..." Do you see the humor in this conversation people? Well Mike and I did and laughed pretty hard, which I don't think helped him with the cathing process... Sorry Mike!
Other than the trauma of birth, it was the most amazing experience in the world, my beautiful daughter was placed on my chest and started to root right away! What a fatty! We all hung out together for 30 mins while I nursed her and David inspected her little body. She is the most beautiful little creature! We are so thrilled with her! More pics and stories to follow! Thank you all for your prayers and patience with me over the past 9 months!

About Us

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David-29yrs experience in being awesome, loves real fruit Popsicles. Lindsay-26yrs experience in being fabulous, loves the movie 9 to 5. Baby- 4 months experience in being chubby and cute, loves to grab dangerous objects and insert them into her mouth.