
David-28yrs experience in being awesome, loves real fruit Popsicles. Lindsay-26yrs experience in being fabulous, loves the movie 9 to 5. Olive Oyl-3yrs experience in being shifty, loves to attack small children. Baby Talitha- Days experience in spitting up in hidden crevasses, and loves to get her diaper changed- sike!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sup Fam/Friends?

H'ok, a blog about us. Well, I'm pregnant as you well know from the creepy floating baby in the corner of the page. We do not know the sex YET, but we hope to learn of it this Wed at our 19wk sonogram. I love my doctors office.  I see a different midwife every time, but I love all of them. I'm still sick, throwing up occasionally and randomly, i.e. in the blockbuster parking lot, outside the movie theatre in front of a bus of people with my crack showing and David not telling me (good times).  And please don't feel the need to tell me how to cure the nausea, I've heard/tried everything. I'm 5months into this, trust me I've exhausted everything. The only thing that works is the combination of both Zofran and Phenergan. (which give me migraines, more good times) I just laugh now when people ask me how I'm feeling and I say "Still blowing chunks" and they say "Oh, have you tried Ginger ale, or C-bands? That worked for me!" to which I fight the urge to say; "B@$ch don't try me!" especially because the comment is usually given by a fellow church member-Much love CPC! But it's all worth it because I can feel this little thang move now! What a trip! How cool is God?!?! 
David, aka, Husband/Juris Doctor/Baller/Best Friend/Daddy to be/Vomit bucket cleaner outer, is doing well! Just finished law school and is working full time for the legal department of Children and Families. This position only lasts until the end of June, allowing the month of July to be stolen by the evil lord BAR EXAM. Whom David will fight with his gigantic brain and show no mercy. After that, who knows who David will go on to slay next with his then even bigger brain (still swollen from the recent victory). 
Olive Oyl, my 'sweet' little kitty, is also doing well, thank you for asking. We are only slightly concerned how she will do with the new addition to the fam. Her past interactions with youngins have only resulted in two scarrings and minor bandage use. She has not ever seen an infant though and we're hoping the helplessness factor will help... Please don't call DCF, cuz David works there, thanks. 
Our adoption process has been slightly haulted, do to the due-ness of another baby in early October. We are still planning on adopting in the near future, just as soon as things are "comfortable" with baby number one. (that's what we'll call it, then baby num 2 and so on, I read that assigning impersonal names to children helps them remember their place in line... JK! again, please do not call DCF)
I hope you enjoy this blog, because it is a pain for me to make, JK


  1. Have you tried saltines? That always helps me...Just Joking!
    Glad you have a blog. I look forward to your updates.

  2. Hey maybe you should try not getting pregnant. I hear that's pretty good for not throwing up.


    So glad you have this...

  3. i love the captures your vibe! i will look forward to next weds!! love suzy

  4. Your womb baby is ultra fantastic, did you use a model? Can I still express sentiments for your nausea? Keep posting!

  5. Have you tried ginger gum? Oh wait, I already said that one. Yes, I knew you were talking to me and my helpful text messages! I love you, I think you are hilarious! You know you're a family when you start a blog!


About Us

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David-29yrs experience in being awesome, loves real fruit Popsicles. Lindsay-26yrs experience in being fabulous, loves the movie 9 to 5. Baby- 4 months experience in being chubby and cute, loves to grab dangerous objects and insert them into her mouth.