
David-28yrs experience in being awesome, loves real fruit Popsicles. Lindsay-26yrs experience in being fabulous, loves the movie 9 to 5. Olive Oyl-3yrs experience in being shifty, loves to attack small children. Baby Talitha- Days experience in spitting up in hidden crevasses, and loves to get her diaper changed- sike!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

the 'what the hell's the matter with you' hormone

... has kicked in. Apologies to my husband. The only previous experiences that have triggered the release of this hormone in the past have been my interactions with my girls. (the ones from the city kids program at my church, CenterPoint Presb) This hormone was pumping freely this past summer when we were at summer camp. Like the time when one of my girls was playing in a camp-wide game where the objective was to dodge the huge fire hoses, kick as many balls into the opponents soccer net, and avoid getting your personal flag taken. Jazz decided to put her flag in her bra. Ok, but when she came storming off the field crying and screaming "I'm gonna punch that girl in the head, she wasn't supposed to take my flag, a boy was" all I could say was, "what the hell's the matter with you?". This was a legitimate question at the time, I really expected an answer. If not from her, someone. The times I've had with my girls are really the only parenty like experiences I've had. This past Sat one of my girls called me up to spend some time with her. I was scared because I knew why she wanted to see me, she thought she might be pregnant. When she told me, a rush of said hormone flooded into my bloodstream faster than adrenaline and had we not been in the TCBY with lots of other black people I might have succumbed. Crazy white pregnant lady on 13yr old black girl with a sundae is somewhat frowned upon in Tallahassee. I'll never get the south. But then this other hormone that I've never experienced came quickly rushing to the scene, whom I will dub the MPR hormone (motherly public relations) and made me see the fear in her eyes that emerged when she was faced with the acknowledgement of the repercussions of her sin. And then I realized that being a mom is all about suppressing the 'what the hell's the matter with you' hormone and embracing the slower running more asthmatic MPR hormone. I think the biggest responsibility as a parent lies in how we respond to our children's sin. What a scary and beautiful responsibility. Never is a human being more vulnerable and naked than when their sin is just lying out in the open. That is some huge amount of power to either do a lot of good or a lot of bad. Who else besides your husband sees all of your dirtiness-yo mammaOk- nuf speculation on motherhood, cuz I kindof hate speculation rather than experience. P.S. If y'all think to, please pray for my sweet girls. The Lord has started a good and beautiful work in them and I know He will be faithful to complete it but, there are rough patches. 

1 comment:

  1. Well said Lindsay. Without the experience, your speculation is fantastic. I have lots of experience but had never speculated on how true that is. What kind of mom do I want to be? One with tons of MPR and not as much "what the hell's?" Unfortunately a lot f "what the hell" comes out even if I've managed to censor myself and change it to "what the heck". How we respond to our children's sin is one of our biggest responsibilities. Next time (which will probably be in the next 5 minutes) I'll try to channel more MPR into my responses! I love you - I can't wait to buy your little girl lots of pinky frills. Just kidding, I'm going to try to control myself!


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David-29yrs experience in being awesome, loves real fruit Popsicles. Lindsay-26yrs experience in being fabulous, loves the movie 9 to 5. Baby- 4 months experience in being chubby and cute, loves to grab dangerous objects and insert them into her mouth.